Dearest Devotees,

As I was catching up on my blog reading last night I stumbled across an award for me from Catie of Chocolate Lemonade! Thank you Catie! She is fabulous and real and if you haven't already you should check out her blog and spread the love :)
The only rules for this award is to place it on the blog and link to 13 of my most beloved bloggers. This is always really hard because I know so many beautiful and wonderful bloggers and would really love to give it to all the bloggers I love but c'est pas possible.
I pass this award to:
And now for the Blogger Tag:

I think I'll call it the "3-5-3" tag.
List 3 things that you would want on a deserted island if there was food and water.
List 5 of your favorite novels of all time.
Tag 3 other bloggers.
I'll go first.
Three things I'd want on a deserted island:
1. My Bible (I might be there for a while and my faith is important to me)
2. My Drawing Kit (pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener and Sketchbook)
3. Notebook ( I always want to be able to write a novel, a new song, etc at a moments notice.)

5 0f my Favorite novels of all time in no particular order.
1. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery- I just loved Anne Shirley.
2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling- Really hard to pick one but if I had to I would pick book 4.
3. Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot- I think Book 3 because it was the pivotal part of Mia and Michael's relationship- when he told her he loved her via the cutest most romantic computer message in the history of time.
4. Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief- Two words by Rick Riordan: Greek Mythology.
5. If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern. Words cannot describe my love for this book. P.S. I love you was great but if you haven't read this, please do. You won't be sorry.
And I pass this tag to:
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. What kind of books do you love to read? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
All pictures from: We Heart It
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