All hair from Posh
All clothing from Paris Metro
Pic above: Stretch Teri Beach Dress--free from the loony lambs hunt (I know I'm late with this dress--actually I wanted to blog about it earlier but maybe it was the computer trouble I had, the pants could not be found in the database!! It wasn't until now that I contacted Rose of Paris Metro and she gave me a replacement right away! Such a sweet lady she is! Thanks Rose! Muachh! (Oh by the way, Rose is also known as RFB Morpork, the designer of all the lovely clothes at Paris Metro)!!
Ok I know the next two items have already been blogged about too, but they are so cute and I missed the opening of the new Paris Metro because of the difference in time zones, so I just have to 'make up' for it by blogging about them!

Outfit: Performance Gear--free

Gown: Gala Golden Eiffel Gown--free
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