Is everything art? Does everything have artistic/inspirational potential? These are questions I've been thinking a lot about lately, especially in the past week. So far every answer I've come up with has just led me to more questions. Right now, I'm reading a career book that claims that a lot of not obviously artistic careers like psychology, biology and economics (My major and I never knew!) do have artistic components. If this is true, the next most logical question I could think of was what is art? I think of it as ways in which you express your emotions, feelings and self, but apparently this definition can run you into several problems. For example you express yourself through body language, therefore is body language an art? Also if you are a particularly artistic individual who tends to express your stronger emotions in your favorite art form (dance, music, poetry, etc) and you encounter a situation, such as a relationship that does not move you to art does that mean you are not invested enough in or moved enough by the situation? Hmmm....

Seeking inspiration assignment: Choose any of the pictures in this section to inspire your next piece of art.
My translation;
You may think I'm crazy.
Many people do, but answer me this. Is it crazy to give up everything you've got, risk everything you have to get something you desire with your all? Maybe it is. Maybe it would be better for me to ''play it safe'', to go to college, get a degree in a secure field I lack passion for, maybe accounting, and spend the rest of my life seeking happiness and a sense of fulfillment from things I know will not fulfill me. Then maybe, just maybe when they lay me off during the next recession, as I am 3 years away from retirement, and no longer have any expectations to live up to, I will be finally able to do what I want. Live the way I have always desired to live and be the person I have forever longed to be.
I could wait for that day.
Or I could skip all the years of torment and torture, save myself from all that regret and take that chance today.
I may fall on face.
I may not succeed.
I may have to sleep in fields under makeshift tents for a while.
But don't judge me or pity me, because I will be happy.
Doing what I love or at least trying to get there.
And that's all that matters.
Links I loved
Fashion inspired by Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland by College Fashion (couldn’t resist)
I love's latest advert. Can you say uber indie cute?!
Chicken soup for the dorky soul has some great ideas on how to stay in touch with your far away friends.
Zen Habits has some amazing tips on how to reclaim your attention. They really make you think.
I love this post on rocking heels by Golden Means.
Looking for something new to do with your girlfriends? Check out this post by Ashe Mischief.
I heart this girl's blog! It is so cute and happy and all of the fabulous and fun things in life.
All images from we heart it
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. What inspired you this week? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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