Photo from: Rose on Flickr
Dearest Devotees,
I'm really happy with how February went. I met loads of lovely new people in all of my classes, some of which I practice and study outside of class with. My zeal for my faith has grown infinitely, and I overcame a huge block in my musical abilities through not giving up on my intermediate piano classes and instead spending 5 hours(!) a day for a week practicing my pieces for my midterm. All the goals that I decided to meet in February have been met and now it's time to work on those for March.
For this month I want to:
- Record all my songs A capella style on garageband.
- Choose the 10 songs I want on my demo.
- Fill them out as need be.
- Work on finding the chords for at least 2 of them.
- Write down music video ideas.
- Practice my french at least 3 nights every week on my computer.
- Continue with my regular blogging.
For this week I want to:
- I will record 3 songs on GarageBand.
- Practice my French nightly.
- Continue with my regular blogging.
- Finish my school work.
- Read books, blogs and magazines.
This is mostly my music month and I am really excited for it. I am not too sure what I will be my career, I mostly alternate between music, fashion design and costuming, and writing, so I am trying to work on all of them, roughly equally. Anyway, I hope this music month thing works out.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. What do you have planned for the month? How are your goals for the year working out? Are any of you interested in music with regards to songwriting, singing, instrument performance? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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