All images from the movie Bright Star. Pictures from : Duchess of Devonshire Gossip Guide, Collider, Rotten tomatoes.com
Dearest Devotees,
Oh darlings, this week has been so full of fabulously inspiring events. It started with my voice midterms, where we had to sing the songs we'd been preparing and people sang some really moving musical and classically inspired songs. My two favorites where Left Behind from Spring Awakening and No Greater Love by Rachel Lampa. After listening to Left Behind I started to ask around about Spring Awakening and found out it was a beautifully sad and extremely moving musical. Unfortunately it's not on tour near me right now, but I've decided to travel to see it on a long weekend. All this happened on Wednesday.
On Thursday night, my roommate, a mutual friend and I went to see Alice in Wonderland, and like I've said about a million times it was aesthetically amazing. I couldn't get over the graphics, the colours, the red queen! And the costumes! I wanted everything there, even the stuff I would not have an occasion to where. Colleen Atwood, the costume designer who apparently worked on the graphics as well, did a fantastic job. I am going to see it again soon, in 3D, and the top item on my birthday wishlist is the scene book for the movie.
On Friday night, my roommate and I watched Bright Star, the movie about John Keats the English Poet. It was mostly about his secret relationship with Fanny(short for Frances, my namesake!), a 19th century fashion designer. She was artistic yet realistic and he was artistic and romantic; they were so precious. The style was classic 19th century fashion and Janet Patterson captured the period beautifully through the costumes, particularly those of Fanny Brawne. If you haven't seen it yet, and are looking for a quality period movie you should see it. All the roles were well acted and the icing on the cake was definitely the lines of John's poetry that were worked into the script. All in all, it was a great movie!
Then last night was the Oscars and I was completely enthralled by all the red carpet looks, some postively, and some not-so-positively. My favorite dresses were worn by Rachel McAdams, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sandra Bullock, Anna Kendrick, and Penelope Cruz.

Photos from: Yahoo. Pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker, Sandra Bullock, Rachel McAdams, Penelope Cruz, and Anna Kendrick.
*Inspiration Assignment for the week*
One of my favorite characters from Alice in Wonderland was Chessur the Chesire Cat. Check out this picture of him and translate the emotions it evokes from you into the art form of your choice.
Here's my interpretation:
Fly little Chesire, fly
And soar above the tree tops black.
Your moon-like smile haunts me in my dreams.
Your sapphire striped fur beckons me to touch it.
Yes ghost-like quality does slightly frighten me,
But somehow I cannot stay away.
So if you disappear tonight,
I wish you may return another day.
Don't forget to enter the silver pendant giveaway, and make sure to leave a comment to say you are a follower and want to be entered.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. Have you seen Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland ? What did you think of it? What were your favorite looks from the Oscars? What inspired you this week? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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