Photo from: Kicki
Dearest devotees,
This week has been wonderful in so many incredible ways. I got my first 2 blogger awards within days of each other, I did my first Costume Design assignment, had my first intermediate piano class and met my Economics and Reading Shakespeare teachers both of whom I love to death even though their classes may just kill me work- wise (I hope not!). All in all, a fabulous week improved by the encouraging presence of Whatever It Takes by Lifehouse. In this post, I thanked DT for my first award, The Haute Mess Award, and passed it on to some other fabulous people. Since I wrote that post, Zmaga has tagged me for the Kreativ Blogger Award!

Thank you so much Zmaga darling! It means a lot to me. Now, for 7 things about me:
- I went to boarding school for 6 years of Secondary School.
- I love languages but the ones I love the most are my first language (Esan) and French.
- I have a huge extended family and a relatively big immediate family composed of 4 kids (including myself), my mom and dad, my baby brother's nanny/our cook.
- I love animals and once wanted to be a zoologist. I also wanted to be a vet, medical doctor, ballet dancer, cosmetologist, a filmmaker/director, and fashion journalist.
- I am an Economics major with Theatre Arts and Film Studies minors.
- I have lived in 4 countries, 10 cities/towns and gone to several different schools, because my dad's an ambassador.
- One of my favorite places in the world is Northern Ireland because I've spent some of the best holidays of my life there, I've got great family and friends there and it symbolizes total peace for me.
I am happy to pass this award on to the following truly inventive blogs:
Yes and Yes
Congratulations Darlings!!!
And here is the exercise for this week:
Please write.... by aury4eva featuring Temperley London dresses
As I wake up, I feel the heat of the sun on my face radiating through the glass of my bedside window. I get up and glance out the window. It's a perfect day, absolutely beautiful yet something is missing. There is an ache in my heart, a hole where someone used to be....then it all comes back to me....
He's gone...
He'd been anxiously awaiting the letter for weeks and on Monday it finally came...the letter that sealed our fate.
Six months ago, before we had even met, my true love wrote to Harvard Medical School , asking to take part in a special one-year program in which they would run several case trials on possible cures for aids and cancer. One month ago he told me that he had made the short list and would probably receive an acceptance letter soon. I tried to be happy for him, acting the part of the supportive girlfriend and helping him prepare for his trip. I kept all my feelings locked inside as we made promises of keeping in touch and waiting for each other. Yesterday, I tried to be strong as we kissed goodbye and I wished him luck.Last night, the tears I'd shed weakened me and helped me fall asleep. Today, I look at the window and silently beg my love one thing...
Please write.
I made this set on Polyvore a while ago and wrote a short story to go with it then too. I would love to know your takes on it.
Love you all and Stay Inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. What comes to your mind when you see the image above? And how has your week been? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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