Day 2: Stop and Capture
Today I encourage you to get up and move. This exercise is about opening up your senses to everything around you. I want you to take some time to see things more closely, hear things more clearly and generally observe your surroundings in a more defined way. If you're a writer, I want you to take your notebook and describe something that catches your eyes in a way that creates a perfect picture of what you've seen in words. If your a photographer, test your skills by trying out different shots or different angles of looking at everyday things. If you're a dancer observe the way people, or even animals, move , whether it's in their everyday lives ( think yoga, gymnastics, other forms of dance or even any sport really) or during performances. The more aware you become the more easily inspiration will come to you.
Last semester, although immensely challenging in some ways, taught me a lot about myself and people in general. I was under a lot of pressure to find my major (or majors) and to begin to work towards a certain career, and I had just transferred from another school. I was very confused about what I wanted to do, so one day I bought a book called The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People by Carol Eikleberry, PhD. It's a really good book and I totally recommend it. In the book, she talked about how the ability to create stems from the ability to perceive and build on / or translate accurately what you have perceived. We usually go through creative blocks when we are under so much stress or hassle that we are too distracted by daily life to stop and see things clearly. Little breaks in routine tend you to give the chance to get over this dull, dreary or blocked feeling and give you a fresh outlook on life. If there's one thing I learnt last year, it's this: No one is a robot. You can't keep running like the energizer bunny. Breaks are totally ok.
Summary of Assignment
- Take something to record what you perceive: a video camera, camera, a recorder, a notepad, a sketchpad anything, and go for a walk.
- Note everything you see, hear, feel, that captures your interest. Try to capture it as best as you can.
- Go over everything and assess how well you captured what you perceived.
- Write down in your notebook: what you perceived, and what attracted you to certain things.
My Interpretation:
I'm taking a walk round this lovely park that I've only ever driven by before. I'm gonna take pictures and my notepad and try to capture and describe things as best as I can. When I'm done, I'll see if I can post some of the pictures with my answers later.
(Photo from: adornments on Flickr )Love you all and Stay inspired,
P.S. So let me know what you think. Feel free to give me your answers and or links in the comments below, or you could email them to me too.
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