Photo from: jakobjaded
If I learnt anything from my acting class last semester, I learnt this: to portray your character, you must become your character. My acting professor consistently urged us to get outside of our heads and the proverbial box and to free ourselves from our preconceptions and misconceptions. Only by so doing would we be able to follow our impulses, which are the truest reflections of our creativity. Creativity in its nature is impulsive. If you try to force it, it will not come. You must be able to let go of so many things at a certain point in time in order to let your creativity roam free. I don't particularly care for the phrase daydreaming and wandering minds because it suggests no end in sight and no product as a result. True creative thinking always has a product, because whatever you come up with, whatever you create is a product of your thinking. The product could be a question, a solution to a problem, or a newly discovered truth.
Be impulsive. Impulsivity is what happens when we do what we're inspired to without letting 'rational constraints' hold us back. Create music out of pots and pans. Store your books in a crate and quils in a glass jar. Make a painting with coloured sand. Do a fine work of art in crayon. Add a acoustic/country beat to a metal rock song. Do it and see. You could be surprised and stumble on a brilliant new method. Or you could just sit back and enjoy your creative freedom. At the very least, in the end you would have learnt a little more about yourself, your talent and your art.
Inspiration Assignment:

My Translation:
I'm producing a beat for an acoustically-folksy rock song for my translation: Here is a snippet. I'll try to post the rest by the end of this week on my next Artist Corner post.
Links I've loved this week:
I found so many amazing little gems this week. It's Exciting!!!
This post about how to get rid of sentimental clutter is really helpful.
I feel like this post by A on how to create a core wardrobe is so relevant. It could be the solution to numerous poorly timed wardrobe malfunctions.
I just love blogs that bring fiction into the blogosphere. If you like them too you should check out ellie, Cass and Cady and caitlin and megan
I dream of having Andrea's style and thrifting skills.
This is an amazing talk for anyone not just people with ADHD.
I never realised there were so many sewing and DIY tutorials and vlogs out there. Himehood is one of my favorites so far.
How to have an Alice in Wonderland tea party- It must be the theatre lover in me.
I would love my life to mimic the flow of this poem on Creative Everyday.
If you are a writer (as I assume many of you may be), and are looking for somewhere to get feedback on your work, you could check out this site.
This post on Zen Habits reveals a new way to approach simpler living.
Did you love Daphne of Scooby Doo's style when you were growing up?
And for those who share my interest in the day of a Costume Designer, see this post.
"...And the winners for the 2010 Blogiversary giveaway are":
1. The surprise gift winner is Zmaga.
2. The CSN giveaway winner is Debbie.
Congratulations to you both! To get your prizes please email me your contact info. My email address is aury4eva@gmail.com.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. What inspired you this week? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
Photo from: Daily Lolita ; Beat copyright of Frances a.k.a Aury.
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