Steps on the road to an organised room:
Make a list of things you need to do to get your room organised.
Have an idea of why you want to do it, i.e. I'm overwhelmed by the mess, I cant get anything done, it's holding me back, I'm holding onto something, etc. I personally need a more streamlined lifestyle so I can travel easier. Keep this in mind or even write it down and keep it in sight as you embark on this task.
If you can, enlist a friend to help. It makes things so much easier and funner, and you can encourage each other as you work through the mess. If your friend also needs help, volunteer to help each other.
Get rid of all the trash and stuff that you do not need: Choose a particular spot and work round. Start by having a box or bag for all the stuff you definitely want to keep, one you might want to keep, stuff you want to giveaway or recycle and a bag for all the trash. Things that you initially find hard to get rid of can be kept in the might box for closer inspection later( talk about later on how after everything is done they will have to face that box and sort it into 4 places: refer to the organisation piece on sentimental clutter note if there is no space for it get rid of it. ) At this point you are not trying to put things into specific places yet. This is mostly just to get all the stuff that is not where its meant to be to where it needs to be.
Divide your stuff into categories: Create different categories in which your things can go. The best and most efficient way I've found is to divide your things based on function. Even if all you have is one room model it after a home. Keep all your kitchen stuff in one place and all your linens somewhere else. Have everything down to the smallest detail on a nice piece of paper. Write it in this way: 3rd drawer on chest of drawer on the right will have all my medication and first aid things. This paper will be your guide and treasure map.
Begin to arrange the room based on this guide. I usually suggest starting with the closet because that is the main storage unit in most rooms.
The closet
Laundry stuff, linens, and medium sized storage boxes for appropriate things should go in there.
Shoes can go on the bottom and clothes should be hung with all the hangers facing the same direction. As much as possible, when using single hangers keep the amount of clothes hanging on it down to one so that it will be easier to find what you're looking for when you need it.
If you have enough space in your closet and especially if you are pushed for space (i.e if you're major personal space is your college dorm room), keep your laundry in a basket/ laundry bag in the closet, preferably under your detergent and other cleaning items and housekeeping items.
I've found it really helpful to hang my belts, scarves and really long necklaces, so that they are easy to reach and kept in sight.
Keep bathroom items together in a shower basket in an easy to reach place
Hats and bags: Keep them together as much as possible. I keep mine in this pretty purple storage bin that is relatively light, has tons of holes that I can see into the bin through, and fits in with general color scheme of my room.
If you have a chest of drawers or something you could use in a similar manner for the storage of any clothes you couldn't fit into your wardrobe, use it in a specific and clearly outlined way. A lot of people suggest that you should only arrange keep two layers of clothes per drawer, but I have found that this is completely unreasonable for me given my current college dorm room accommodations. Therefore, I suggest that you break down your clothes into certain storage categories and assigning them to definite drawers and sides in the drawers. For example, my current system is as follows:
- top drawer: delicates/underclothes
- second drawer: tops (that I wear on a daily basis)
- third drawer: bottoms that I wear on a daily basis
- fourth drawer: first aid items, medicine that must not be kept upright on the left, and pajamas on the right
- fifth drawer: tops that I do not wear often (nightclub gear, etc) and cardigans (in the middle of the summer these can't qualify as regular wear)
The dressing table (or you could use the top of your chest of drawers)
Jewelry trees and boards:I have this jewelry tree that I absolutely love for hanging my shorter necklaces, bracelets and anklets, and storing my everyday cocktail rings. A friend of mine also introduced me to the idea of storing my earrings by poking them through a board made of foam of cardboard and arranging them in layers. Alternatively, you could keep in a wire frame for this purpose.
I own a lot of hair accessories and keep them all together in one of the drawer divider bins that I've placed on my chest of drawers. The other one contains my larger jewelry like my cuffs and small box sets of jewelry. I have about 3 or so actual jewelry boxes that have my jewelry arranged according to level of formality of the occasion it would be worn to.
My makeup and beauty care products are all arranged here as well as my health care products like my medication that must be kept upright, my cleansers and my creams.
The Desk
I have all my regular use books lined up on the shelf on my desk, with their backs facing me for ease of access.
School supplies are all in this really cute set of tiny storage drawers I got from Barnes and Nobles at the beginning of the year.
My calendar hangs by my desk and all the wires that would usually run across my room are kept out of sight with the excess in a tiny brown basket under my bed.
My laptop and printer have a pretty constant place on my desk while the drawers that come with my desk have art supplies, tech stuff and papers arranged into each of them.
Everything Else
Suitcases and boxes used for travel and storage units that take up excess space are all kept under my bed through the use of bed risers.
Final Actions and Words:
Go through the box of might keep stuff: choose only the stuff you really need, will use, like and have space to keep. If the item doesn't meet any of these criteria please give it away or throw it away. You will feel so much better for it.
Congratulations! You have cleaned house! (Clean House show reference anyone? No? okay).
Love you all and Stay inspired,
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