Darling Devotees,
This year I am not making any real resolutions. Instead, I am going to commit myself to one particular buzzword that I will strive to live by all this year and for the rest of my life. The word is “love”. I am going to strive to keep this as the key concept that keeps me rooted this year and from now on. I plan to take the whole idea of following your heart to a whole new level by letting love guide me in everything that I do. I am going to let the idea of doing the things I love, or doing things for the people I love to guide me in all the decisions I make, and goals that I pursue this year.
I've heard it said that if you live the way you want to be, someday you will be the person that you long to be. When I think about the woman I aspire to be some day I can and have made a list of all of the things I would like to have accomplished and the life I would like to lead, but after looking over the list I've realized that at the end of the day accomplishments, goals, awards and rewards are not what will make me happy. In fact, the person I aspire to be will not be happy, because of all of the things she has done, or all the places that she has seen. She will be happy because she has let love fill her up and radiate from her being onto all the people that she meets. I want to be someone who loves completely and unabashedly and who lets this love for God, family and friends, interests and life to be her driving force. That's the kind of woman I want to be, and that's the kind of woman that I will be, starting from now. From now on, when making decisions I will let these different forms of love dictate whether I say yes or no to a commitment.
- Love of God who is my rock and foundation and who loves me so much.
- Love of family
- Love of friends
- Love of vocation
- Love of myself as a beautiful daughter of God.
- Love of people
- Love of life.

If I cannot say I am doing truly doing something because of the love I feel for one or more of these categories I will not do it. It's not going to be an easy thing to do, because by nature I am always going to want to do it all, this is who I am. However, since love is a strong and passionate word, I am hoping that the passion behind the word will help me decide when I hit murky waters. In times of difficulty, I hope that the thought of love will spur me on. May the light of love light our path and fuel all our desires.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. What are your resolutions? Do you have any? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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