Dearest Devotees,

I mentioned my "wildcard" list in my last Renovate Your Life post and was asked to share mine with you. First of all for those who aren't really sure what it is, a wildcard list is a list of all the random things that you would really like to do, and that you would make you happy, but that may not be high on your priority list otherwise since you do not have to do them. An item on the list could be anything from signing up for swing classes to buying tickets to see a musical to going to the beach on a random Thursday afternoon.
It's sort of like the "happy, fun-time" alternative to the productive stereotypical to-do list, and for that reason, I make it a point to have one always present to pick from. In fact, lately I've found that crossing off something that can be put off until later from my too full to-do list and replacing it with something fun from my wildcard list, is the perfect way to get me motivated enough to power through everything I have to do for that day. The window of fun in my day, provides me with the breath of fresh air and sense of encouragement I need after a lot of draining work. So without further ado, here is what's on my wildcard list right now:
- See a play at the theatre (probably for free using my Student Complementary Card)
- Visit a photography gallery
- Spend a couple of hours drawing at the Art Museum
- Go to an orphanage to play with the kids, find one to get signed up for regular volunteering
- Go to the parks
- Go salsa and swing dancing with friends
- Go to the library
- Read Mini Shopaholic on Kindle at cute, little coffee shop.
- See Easy A at the cinema.
- See The Social Network at the cinema.
- Bake cookies with friends.
- Decorate Dorm room more- buy flowers, and create special corners :)
- Watch TED talks on Creativity.
- Go for a walk by the river.
- Skype friends and family.
- Explore more of the area where my dance classes are located.
- See Romeo and Juliet opera
- Find out what Inception : The Musical is.
I definitely recommend creating a wildcard list. It can help you stop and just enjoy life.
Love you all and Stay inspired,

P.S. So let me know what you think. Do you have a "wildcard list" ? What's on yours? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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