Have you ever had one of those nights when you just can't sleep no matter what? Well this is one of those nights for me, and this post was actually meant for another day, but I guess I might as well post it now, especially when earlier on in SL I realized that the necklace I was wearing in these pics were nowhere to be found! That's the problem with preparing a post too way in advance, so I hope you will all forgive me. Anyway, I thought I had better go check on the gown as well and was quite relieved to see that the Midnight Mania offer was still available. These pics were taken at a lovely sim named Misty Heights where I saw some quaint little shops selling pretty dresses and skins, and I also had the privilege of meeting one of the designers Etienne Sahara who was really friendly and helpful all the time I was there. Unfortunately, I was struggling with my viewer at that time so I couldn't really look around much, but I sure plan to return soon! Also, my Plurk friend Corina has been hounding me to post something white with lace, or something white at least, so this is for you Corina, hope you're reading this! And talking about Plurk, for some reason I have not been able to access it for the last two days! Maybe that's why I'm having a sleepless night! OK kiiiiiddding!

Gown: Pure Rose from Desiree's Rose--MM gift
Necklace: Going to the Ball Necklace from Magia--free (no longer available)
Hair: Lan from DrLife
Location: Misty Heights
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