I had heard so much about Gor and its culture, though I have never read the Gor fiction by John Norman, that I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and brave my way through to the distant and foreign land of The City of Fina--probably one of the most beautiful Gor sims in SL.
From the landing point at the docks, I headed for the fortified walls of the city via the drawbridge (which looked quite forbidding), moving purposefully forward till I saw this sign below:-

Hmmm.....think I'm gonna like it here (grins)--Well, my primary objective here was to take pictures of the breathtaking scenery, and anyway, I thought since I was in this Gorean outfit which I chose specially for the occasion, I should be quite safe...
Outfit: Tribal (F outfit, white) from
RippedHair: Endra (dark) from
Analog Dog Hair
But just in case, no harm carrying a dagger (which, thankfully, came with the outfit), as seen below:-
Then suddenly, there came this pretty little girl (well...a woman actually, and I found out later that she's the Head Urt of The City of Fina-an Urt being a Free Woman who has fallen on hard times...looks like this fictional world is not spared the economic crisis of the real world either)!
I took a good look at her and, of course, at her dress especially--hmmm...nice shade of purple, but, torn and tattered, sure looks like she's in financial hell ( I mean, anytime a girl can't get a decent dress, it's hell on earth--LOL)!
Dress on Delightful Demina (below): Purple She-Urt from
City of LauraHair: Diva from
But wait, what is this shiny thing at her side??? Oh my, it's a dagger! And a real cool looking one too! Might be a good idea to be friends (grins)...

....so the saga continues.....