Dearest Devotees,
This week has been terribly hard on the inspiration front. What with the constant hassles of the back-to-school period and the general drudgery of everyday existence, I have been hard pressed to find anything worthy enough to pass on to you. Thankfully though, I was hit by an inspiration star while going through the files of my computer and listening to the general hubbub of music in my home. As I looked through my collection of digital pictures, I found the file containing my all my pictures from my first digital photography course. My final album for the class was based on theme of solitude and just looking at these pictures transported me back to the time and places I took them. I was seventeen and feeling very overwhelmed and overstressed at the time, and when I was out these places I totally felt the stress melting away and the creative juices begin to flow. Good thing too, because I had several papers to write at the time. Anyway, I thought I would share some of them with you today.

I honestly took all these pictures and the last one shocked me the most. An empty train station in the middle of the day?

Sometimes, in order for creativity to flow all you need is a bit of an escape.
Now, when I stumbled on these pictures, I heard the song Seventeen Forever by Metrostation and it just made me realise the importance of making the most of everyday. Even if you fill blocked, just try to work through it if you have to, or move on to something that might motivate you. In fact, I once read somewhere that there's no such thing as Writer's Block, and that it is simply a state of mind that people can will themselves out of. All you have to do is make an effort everyday.
So, here are a few of my favourite links of the week:
♥Walking Around The World- More Magic Always
Whether you've been on vacation somewhere exotic (lucky!) or have been vacationing in your own neighbourhood, this article helps you to imagine being somewhere new just by taking in a pair of new shoes.
A great source for fashion, interior decor and artistic inspiration.
♥Back to School Shopping: 3 Cute Fall Dresses & How to Wear Them- College Fashion
More fashion inspiration.
More fashion inspiration.

Love you all and Stay inspired,
P.S. Hope you enjoy the links and feel free to let me know what you think of everything in the comments below. Have a great week!